You may not have a clear idea of what you want your site to do for you, or to say about you.
In addition to our service list, the questions below may trigger some ideas for things you would like to include in your site.
Naming your site:
We may be able to use your company name as the domain name. If that name is already taken, what words do you want to include in your domain name?
Do you have a catch phrase, or brief description of what you can do for people? Eg. Dave’s Contracting – building beautiful function in your home.
Tell me a bit about your company, as if I were a potential client:
Imagine we met at the bus stop, or a cocktail party. What would you tell me about your business?
What services do you provide?
Assume I don’t know any of the correct terminology, what words would I use to search for you with?
Do you have certifications or training that I should know about?
Are you affiliated with any other organizations (Eg. Better Business Bureau, builders associations, unions, etc.)?
What sets you apart from your competition?
Do you have samples of your work that I can see? Eg. Before and after pictures
Do you have testimonials? What do your clients say about your work?
What is the best way for a potential client to contact you? Phone? Email? Other?
Is there anything else you can think of that you want to include on your site?
Designing your site:
Another great way to get ideas about what you want on your site is to do a brief search on the internet for companies / services like yours.
Are there any sites (or parts of sites) that you really like?
Are there any you really dislike?
This will give you an idea of what to include / avoid when designing your site.
Contact Us today to discuss your web needs! Castalds.com/contact Ph: 780.405.7322 cassandra@castalds.com